Apr 08, 2008 00:54
Let's see, the good news is I pretty much have the money to get a place up now. If I do need more money, it'll be a very tiny amount at this point. One more pay check from any source and I'll have it up myself completely.
The bad news is that the one place I was hoping to get isn't going to happen. I still have one(?) I'm looking at currently, so it's not like I don't have options. Right now though I have no idea what is up and down about the one I'm looking at. I've been trying to get through for days without luck. Hopefully I'll hear something soon.
In the meantime, I'm halfway through the novel's first tweaks. I may post some of the story up here for responses. I think this is an amazing story and is going to rock when all the little details are fixed. As is, I can see why authors dread editors. I've found tonnes of errors I wouldn't have a few years ago.
I'm still surprised at how well the story still stands in spite of my tooling. I actually see parts I could add. I have a short story idea I want to explore up the way and may do it to bridge the gap between book one and two, God willing. (Did I just say that out loud?). But I think it's a great story and one I can't wait to share with you all.
immortality syndrome