(no subject)

Mar 05, 2011 18:05

easy saturday..... just relaxing away- feels like a lazy day, you know?

I got up and decided not to go with the girls on the run this morning, its POURING down here and we are under flood watch/warnings- being rained on for an hour or two is not the healthiest thing for me since I am getting over a chest cold. I stayed at the house this morning and relaxed a bit, but started mentally beating myself up and thought I would head over to the YMCA and do a run on the treadmill. I am very proud of myself, I did 4 miles trying to get ready for the race on saturday....... which brings me to my post......

I am nervous. Very nervous.

I did the 5k and had a blast. This next weekend is the Rodes race 10k which is double the length but I have done a jog like that before on our saturday runs. So I KNOW i can do it but its still intimidating, you know? I dont know why I am so nervous...today on the treadmill, I did 4 miles in 56 minutes... and I have 2 hours to complete 6 miles- so I know I can do it. I know it-but im still nervous.

Wish me luck? :)

running, weightloss, race

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