Sep 07, 2009 16:22
*le sigh*
Here it is, the eve of work- I should be happy, I am kinda cause I got the "okay" to go back....but Im dreading it fiercely cause my coworkers told me Friday( when I went to get my check) about how HORRIBLE its been and how 'lucky' I was to have been off. Gee. Thanks.
Surgery? VS 'workmy@ssoff'........ hmm? and who's the winner?
but the time off was extremely nice....I enjoyed spending time with Rich & the kids and got some rest while recovering, which wasn't too bad. I still notice a lump in my throat if I do too much (aka right now?!) but other than that the pain is almost gone and the hoarseness is gone.
Today was a wonderful day though.... Rich woke me with breakfast & starbucks in bed this morning. I LOVED was so unexpected! I got up, got a 'bee in my bonnet' and washed the curtains in the living room & ironed them (however, they don't look pressed dammit-I hate them) , did some laundry, cleaned the kids bathroom, cleaned Angel's window, painted trim in the bathroom, cleaned windows downstairs, gathered up trash, vacuumed, made a chicken pot pie from scratch.
take that Martha! :P
Found Angel's window wasn't draining the rainwater and it was staining the wood. Rich cleared the drain and put a small hole down by the drain & voila! works fine... I painted the trim that was discolored and looks brand new.
Mom, I got those seeds planted around the tree in front- so hopefully they will come up next spring. (mental note-dont pull weeds around tree next spring, could be a lily)
I printed 2 invitations for Angel's birthday (we are celebrating saturday) for Angel to give to her friend Anna & Jody from school - who live down the street. I hope she enjoys that. I am trying to be a 'better momma' and relax just a bit (overprotective, moi??) - TJ asked if he could play with one of the kids that rides the bus home, who lives in the neighborhood... and since then, both TJ and Angel have been playing EVERY afternoon outside- which is good for them- but boy I sure worry that something will happen. Paranoid much? but they NEED to play outside with the neighborhood kids...they NEED to interact and I need to let go...a bit...not much...just a teensy...