My parents got back from South Dakota late last night! They had a good trip but when they went to go visit my Mom's Grandparents grave they saw her Mom's grave and it already had a headstone on it. That made my Mom really cry and I could understand why. My Grandma doesn't look anything like I remember. My Mom thinks she looks the same but wow she looks like a totally different person to me. I wish I had a scanner so I could post a picture of my Grandma before she got so old. I'm excited that my Grandma let my parents take a picture of her cuz my Grandma hates gettin her picture taken. Anyway, heres a picture of my Grandma...
I cut my Mom out of that pic. cuz she looked weird. *lol* I'm just glad that my Mom got a chance to go and see her Mom before she passes away. I thought this was a good picture of my Mom so I'm goin to post it!
Here she is...