The days wear on towards the 14th of November....
Right time to sort out travel arrangements for this wedding then it'll be a right laugh.
Been offered to stop over with friends to break up the journey as it's a long way to go and I'll see some folks I have not had chance to see in some time, that and meeting new people and getting out of Wales for a weekend will be good.
Sleep still eludes me but I'm gaining on it, rather funny to see who's logged onto WoW at 4 in the morning and onwards whilst you potter about doing stuff. Not really trying to stay up that late but hey laptop/wireless and lack of sleep makes it just soo easy.
Have culled my raiding a bit as 6 nights a week was killing me now i just potch and relax in the evenings. must admit with not a lot else to fill my spare time I'm tempted to head back to it as life has been quiet without it but at least my eating times have improved, no more eating at late in the evening :o)
and now the music as allways apologies folks but the music industry does not want me embedding these two gems. and passing out the disturbing machinations of my mind ;o)
Scraddog out