I'm bringing blogging back...yeah!

Mar 02, 2008 21:46

So I blogged at the beginning of the year and I promised that I would be blogging more regularly. Unfortunately, it seems that I lied. But, I promise, I'm bringing blogging back. So, since two months have passed, I've got a lot of catching up to do.

- First off, my Aunt Angel, who was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent treatment last year, found out that her cancer has returned. It has metastasized to her liver and her bones. She started treatments two Thursdays ago and will have to take chemotherapy every three weeks indefinitely. She's doing well. She hasn't been nauseous or throwing up, but she has been pretty tired. So please remember to pray for her and the whole family.

- I started my job in Birmingham on January 14 and I'm really enjoying it. I work with really great people and my job is pretty cool. Driving for two hours a day isn't the greatest, but when traffic is decent it's not a bad ride. When my lease is up at the end of May I will probably be moving up to the Bham area. Anyone know of any good places/apartment complexes to check out?

- I can't blog without bringing up the subject of politics. Anybody that knows me knows that I'm supporting Hillary Clinton for president. I could post an entire blog about Hillary Clinton and the presidential race, but I don't have time for that right now. So here's just a few things on my mind.
            A) Hillary Clinton is without a doubt the best person to lead our country. She's met and dealt with world leaders for the past 15 years. She's fought for children and others without a voice her entire life. She's got an impressive record of accomplishments as a lawyer, then first lady of Arkansas and the U.S. and as senator from New York. She's served on the Armed Services Committee and has a breadth of knowledge when it comes to national security and military issues.
            B) Her positions on important issues are the best. She's the only candidate that offers a universal health care plan. She's put forth the most impressive plan for the economy. She's got a superb plan to combat global warming and offer new "green-collar" jobs and was the first to put forth this idea.
             C) I believe Hillary Clinton is the best candidate to get us out of Iraq, not only quickly, but safely and efficiently. She's the candidate that has the most knowledge and listens the most carefully and then puts forth the best plans. I know she's got the strength and courage to end this mess.

So, I am pulling for Ohio and Texas to come through for Hillary! We NEED her for president!!!

So yeah, that's what's going on right now. Hopefully it won't be another two months before I update again!
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