So tired

Jun 06, 2014 18:31

I haven't taken any naps for the past few days cause I was busy translating...
and today I went out with my uncle to discuss some stuff...
and honestly I almost fell asleep while he was nonstop talking in the car... ><
my eyes are so sore... *sigh*

I think a lot of things happen for a reason...
and when something is yours, it will be yours no matter what...
so *crossing my fingers*... lol

finally pulled myself together to make an appointment for info on mortgage...
probably will be one of the biggest decision of my life...
but meeh... what can I say... gotta start from somewhere... and look ahead...

"chances are given by god, but you are the one who needs to take action and grab it"
forgot where I read that from... (probably some phrase from manga lol)
I motto this... (tho I'm still a bit nervous sometimes and lack of courage at most times)
I remember a few years back then when I really acted on it...
I had a tremendous result... which I still remember and treasure it today.
Let's hope it will go the same this time.

and I need to get ready for friends gathering tonight... when I actually want to roll in my bed...
I need some energy booster!


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