Now that a bunch of blogposts are accumulated, I'd like to highlight some more entries from
Why Doomsday Predictions Seldom Work Out (And How To Get Rich)
We are currently seeing predictions that the economy will collapse in the next couple of years. Will the once mighty USA (and Europe along with it) soon resemble 3rd World Sink Holes? Will your business and investments go down the tubes? Or, could it be that this dip is an opportunity? ... Don’t sit around waiting for the end of civilization as you knew it. Be prepared with your own optimistic vision. Position yourself to get where you want to be.
[...] Is Bible Really All Time Best Seller? Agree Or Die! (Polarization on the Frontier)
When a group of people with the same opinion remains in a single room, that opinion moves inevitably to the extreme. ... The Internet makes it possible to surround yourself with people of a single opinion. ...unpleasant contrary opinions are good for us. Cognitive dissonance is our friend; it shows us what we have not integrated. Eliminating or even excluding contrary voices can be dangerous.
[...] Swag