A little time to drown..

Jul 29, 2007 21:56

Something odd happened earlier today, just after Reyan and I had a farewell drive to Officeworks and McDonalds and the Park. I was standing in my room admiring my gorgeous Nine West heels whilst contemplating one whole week without Reyan, because for some reason it feels almost the same as when he left for five weeks. Yes, I know this is a significantly shorter trip, but regardless he's still going away and I'm still sad.

Anyhow, on to the topic off the 'odd event.' I got a call from Dave C. which took me by surprise due to the fact that not only do I rarely get calls but also because he would be one of the last people I would expect to call me for a short chit-chat. His excuse for this random call was that he was bored and on free-time while he's training for the Army in New South Wales, but I just know a friendly catch-up wasn't what was really on the agenda. I mean, if he doesn't even keep in contact with his closest high school friends, what on earth would make him call me. Random indeed.

I just want to know why he would ask me out for coffee. Is this a 'let's go out for coffee' or a 'let's go out for coffee?' And if it's the second option, why would he do this to me after all that he's already done. I'm sure many of you already know our history which basically just consists of me getting completely played, and it's not that I'm angry at him or anything. In fact, I don't hold a grudge on him at all because I'm sure it was all done with harmless intentions besides what comes around goes around. But why on earth would he bring be back into all this again. Maybe he's realised he's never ever going to get his number one preference and now I'm just number two; the backup.

I think I will hold a grudge against him if he keeps calling me. Not because of our past, but because after all this time he thinks he still has me on hold. It's not fair that while I'm completely happy he barges back into view and makes me contemplate all the 'what if's. Not fair at all. But that's the worse part of it all; the fact that I'm even thinking about it. It's so wrong, and so unfair to not only myself but to my other half, and so, just so, wrong.


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