Well I've officially scored my internship with BHPBilliton. I know, I know, I already knew I had it but I was always never sure of whether I was sticking with them or going to work in Singapore, both were quite good opportunies. In the end I figured BHP would be better due to the fact that they're worldwide, but now I'm ranting about boring stuff that you don't want to hear :P
They gave me a call the other day and I should be receiving an email shortly telling me all the finer details. Apparently I will be working in the environmental sector of an aluminium smelter and they hope to keep me till I graduate. So I guess that's goodbye to my summer holidays for the next four years, which I'm some-what dismayed about. Don't worry guys, I'll be back for the Christmas holidays and hopefully my birthday! But yes, other than that, I will be all the way on the other side of the country in Bunbury, Western Australia. My cousin tells me it's actually quite a nice place due to all the young graduates that work there, so I'm beginning to think it will be much more fun that I had anticipated. And, I can assure you, I anticipated the worse, ie. depressed and alone in the middle of no where.
I'm sort of scared though, because three months is a long time to be away from family and you guys and Reyan. Not to mention I've never actually lived by myself or been in the real world :P Actually, yes, I'm pretty darn scared of the prospect. It seems so surreal that I'll actually be doing environmental engineering at a REAL smelter, dealing with the REAL environment for a REAL company. I always wanted to work around the world, tough it out in all kinds of places, get thrown into the unknown, and now it's happening and..well I'm getting cold feet.
My mother, on the other hand, seems to be reveling at the fact that I will be gallavanting around with young handsome engineering graduates, as she puts it. I truly question what kind of 22 year old would want to hang around a naive 18 year old, hey, I may even be the youngest person there! It sort of reminds me of the time she tried to hook me up with Marius Klopper's son..but that, is another story.
I was looking through my university intranet the other day, and came across something that I had forgotten to show you. This was posted by my math lecturer:
Is my lecturer indicating that 'self pleasure' is a good form of exercise? Oh God...
I came across this in the library with my fellow enviros, Steve and Naim, so you can only imagine the amount of jokes and hand motions (we shall say..) that followed after reading that. Tsk, guys can be SO immature..
I was also looking through the Bored Aussies forums today and came across a discussion on who the top players on the server were.
I am so proud to say that I know Sushi :P kekeke
Lucky I don't currently have Warcraft, or else I do think I would be giving melee a serious try again.
Darling, I miss you :( Night times are the hardest due to the fact that we always talk now, and I haven't even been playing Winterbells! Wish I could be with you in warm, sunny Las Vegas instead of cold, lonely Melbourne. I love you.