Oh God, how late to the party am I?

May 04, 2011 18:04

I don't really know what day it is or what month we're in.
This is called not getting any sleep for three days. OKAY FINE EXAGGERATION. This is called getting one hour of sleep over three days.
This is why I will never do a PhD because I will procrastinate and end up having to pull all-nighters for an entire month.
On the up side, my progress report is done! Now I just have to complete the other half of my project..

In other news, I had this blog planned last week, so we can just pretend we all went back one week in time. Two things happened last week: 1) Glee: The Warblers album and 2) I realised I've secretly been in love with Chris Colfer for the past six months.

So, the Glee album. I really never intended to buy it because as much as I love acapella groups and Darren Criss, I also love not having to get out of bed to go to the shops. That said, when you're already in the shops on a boring weekday doing boring errands and you walk past a music store and almost have a heart attack because you hear your biggest crush who, let's face it, is still a relatively unknown actor/indie alternative singer, singing. Because when all of that happens, life becomes one huge running sentence that doesn't make sense and you become overcome with emotion. And then you walk out of the store with a Glee Album.

Look how gleefully tired I look. This has been on my desk ever since I got it and I can't bear to move it to the CD rack. It is a sweet, sweet CD. Not just because yeh, Darren Criss, but also because the onomatopoetic sounds that the Beelzebubs are making in the backgrounds of the tracks is all sorts of incredible.

Secondly, Chris Colfer. Lovely, lovely Chris Colfer. Is it possible for anyone to watch this without weeping? How is this boy still single?
He is literally the most stunningly beautiful person I have ever seen. He's so unconventionally beautiful for a man, all androgynous and pale skin and amazing profile, I just. Words, they fail me.

image Click to view

He's always been so quietly hidden in the background, and then he sings something with that voice and conveys a hundred different stories with his face. Boy needs to be given a Golden Globe. OH WAIT, HE'S ALREADY WON ONE. Boy needs to be on Time's Top 100 Most Influential People. OH WAIT, HE'S ALREADY ON IT. Boy needs to show off his writing skills. OH WAIT, HE'S ALREADY SOLD TWO SCRIPTS.
He's all brains and beauty. I want to punch anyone who ever made his life hell in highschool.

shopping, darren criss my husband, glee ruined my life, tv shows, music, fangirl, chris colfer sexual frustration society

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