Is it too early to be listening to Christmas carols? I don't usually get too excited about Christmas, but lately I've been feeling incredibly festive. I feel like I need to watch Love Actually, read Dickens and dance around while flinging tinsel in the air. And rewatch the Glee Christmas episode over and over again and listen to the Kurt/Blaine duet forever and ever and yeh, totally failing at not mentioning Glee for even a single blog.
Also, Chanel geisha necklace.
Which is mine because I am disgustingly superficial. I got this last week, the day after I found out I'd failed my Probability Math subject. I know that failure is all about the learning curve and it makes you a better person and it's a part of life and blah blah blah, I'm sorry but I'm so not capable of being happy about failure even if it's going to be amazing for me in the long-run. Some people eat away their woes, well I just spend money. I some how got it into my head that Chanel would fix things, because is there anything that Chanel can't fix? I'm beginning to think I have serious shopaholic issues; it's like I get in a rage and madly buy the first thing I see.
I've spent the past week repenting this buy because it cost a disgusting amount of money. I felt obliged to donate to charity. Most of the guilt has disappeared because I've finally gotten a job, so I don't have to live with the fact that the hardest part of my day is deciding what to eat. By some ridiculous stroke of luck, I'm working with BHPBilliton to set sustainability targets for their new headoffice in Singapore. It's sort of a joke, because I'm a crappy university student and I'm basically telling them what to do to become more environmentally friendly. In theory I can do this, what with all the practice I've had on similar assignments for university, but on the other hand, there's no denying that I've been pulling shit out of my ass for all of those assignments. Obviously this isn't going to go down too well with BHPB.
It's inevitable that I'm going to stress over this; I just know it. But thank God for finally having something stimulating to do.