But they're too nice to throw out..

Jun 19, 2010 01:00

Observe below, my wardrobe:

Where the prettiest of my clothes are hung up not so prettily on shoddy coat hangers; because I'm not Rachel Zoe and I can't afford nice wooden hangers.

Anyway, the point I really wanted to make has nothing to do with the clothes, but rather the jumble of shopping bags on the floor. What started out as an attempt to hide my shopping from my parents has become somewhat of a bad habit. I swear it started out as one bag, which I hid six months ago with the complete intention that I would 'deal with it later,' ie. discreetly dispose of the evidence. Now everytime I have some sort of guilty splurge, which apparently tends to happen often, more bags get shoved into the wardrobe. Once in awhile I get around to clearing out all of this junk, but I take one look at the bags and am suddenly convinced that I have more important things to be doing. I'm convinced this is causing some sort of feng shui blockage in my head.

shopping, wardrobe

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