Aug 14, 2004 02:48
What a cool night, my day was alright night is always better for some reason. Well i saw AVP like i said i would but not with chri$, he decided to sell out like a punk( but thats ok, noharm done) jose WAS there though and it was cool. We where at mainstreet for a while after the movie and waited for my friend Diana to come out the theater to hang out cause we never do, that took forever but it finally happened. So then we decided to go golfin but instead of that we all sat, did some cartwheels and i had a great time on that golf course(i did hit a couple of balls). Oh ya bernice called and the phone hug up on her because it ran out of power it didn't seem like she wanted to talk anyway, so i you do read this bern sorry about the phone hanging up on you. For those of you that did call me after that and didn't get thru i wouldn't find out even if you left a message because my voice mail is still acting very gay(man i should really fix that soon). So i finally got home after drive all the way to coral springs to pick up Lianna from some party cause i promised i would. Its almost three and for the first time in a while there is know one online and its kinda good not to here doors opening and closing and windows popping up/never mind it just happened. It was good while it lasted. Indi is pretty cool to talk to so its not that bad. I really had a great time at the golfcourse, Jose/ghost on stage is the shit, i love hanging out with that homo(he has a girl, so all you gals and guys back off hes mine). Diana brought two of her friends and we all talked in one big indian circle. I'm sorry if i bored any one with my outstandingly bleek life but i had a good time.. which just goes to show you don't have to be high to have a good time ::cough,cough"eman!" cough cough::
thanks everyone for reading my life you nosey punks
"shake harda boy!"
ps, chris maybe next time you sack of ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................beautiful flowers