on a long enough time line, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero

Oct 26, 2003 23:47

weekend mania. wowee. and i didn't see anyone, not once.
i missed the craften show. this is the second time i've done this and i refuse to let this happen again.
i missed a chance at seeing both of my jennifers. i REFUSE to let this happen again.
i missed amanda and sean. ughhhhhhh.
i did, however:
-go shopping with katie. it was better this time. now i miss her more. i am a spendaholic and i need a cure badly.
-spend a lot of time with my family.. the good part, anyway. i miss lindsy and ashlyn.
-watch fight club (special edition of course, for who knows what time) and now i'm contemplating whether or not i can live without it. i even watched some of minority report, since i saw it before but i had no idea what happened the first time. i want to finish it.
-get my poster in the mail (yay yay yay)
-cleaned my room.
-watch in awe as my forehead slowly but surely heals.

the latter means new senior pictures, as of halloween. hopefully they will be better this time. speaking of halloween i am failing miserably. no costume. it's killing me. pirate? tinkerbell? pirate? yes? costume? ahhh!

i went next door to get tape tonight. the puppies are huge. i hate growth. i hate how things grow. it's incredible to watch but nothing ever stops. i guess to say i hate growth would be wrong but i hate change. in the long run, nothing changes for the better. in the end everything dies and in the end we're all alone. every single moment and event no matter how great or positive it may seem is leading up to the end. how can you find happiness when you know that?
i remember i used to think i was so sad knowing what i knew. i can remember a time where i would never think. i'd just run on e constantly. now my brain houses so many thoughts every second of every day and all i want to do is stop thinking because these thoughts are tearing my insides to pieces.
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