More Dark Empire transcriptions.
"Got to pull myself together... Luke needs me. And now that I'm expecting..."
"Leia... Leia."
"A vision... appearing before me. That black armor - the death mask. F-Father... is it you?"
"No. Your father is free, with all the Jedi who went before. And Darth Vader... is no more. My sister."
"Leia. Do not try to find me. Do not interfere."
"But - why do you wear that armor?"
"Destiny has forced me to follow the path our father took. It was the only way. The only way to save everything. From the power of the Dark Side."
"Luke, no! That can't be! You know that. How can you save us by joining the Dark Side? You'll destroy yourself and you'll destroy us with you!"
"Leia... my mind... can't... concen-"
"I've got to help him. Try to use the Force to reach him."
"No, little Jedi! Skywalker is beyond your reach! Your brother has risked all. And lost."
Right. Listen Han - Luke's not far. All we have to do now -
That's not Luke. You can see right through him! It's some sort of projection. But those two goons in battle armor look real enough!
Leia. You should not have come here. It will not go well. My Master wishes to speak with you. These Sentinels will escort you to the Emperor's presence.
The Emperor?
*Chewie sounds*
Yes... he lives.
Yeah... Luke's probably gone crazy. How could the Emperor be alive?
Prisoners: halt!
Oh, no. I think you have your answer, Han. They're clones. See those transparent pods lined up along the walls? Those are cloning chambers. Each one is filled with amniotic fluid and-
And a clone of the Emperor himself.
In various stages of growth. Look, he's full grown in this one, but still a teenager in the one down here.
Ugh. He was even ugly as a baby.
Do not touch the generation chamber!
All right, all right!
Why are we here? Where's Luke?
I'm here.
And R2's with him! Oh R2 I've missed you!
Droid: Halt!
Careful Threepio, Luke's brought more of those Sentinel goons with him! He must rate pretty hight to get the Emperor's personal bodyguards, old buddy.
It was very foolish of you to come here. I told you that my destiny was not yours.
I can see that you've really gone off the deep end this time, kid. Looks like being a Jedi was too much for you.
Be quiet, Han. There are things far beyond the mind and powers of a space pirate. Things you'll never understand.
Hey wait a minute, I can read a face, farm boy! You've come a loong way from that idealistic kid who couldn't wait to get off Tatooine and join the Rebellion! A long way down.
Han, take it easy. You don't know what's happened.
Master Luke! R2 says they've erased his main programming! How could you let them?
Threepio. I... wish I could explain.
Lord Skywalker. The Master wishes to speak with his guests.
Of course. Take their weapons. Leia, give me that lightsaber.
Not on your life!
Han, put away your blaster!
We're leavin' here now, and this time you're coming with us! Hey!
Be grateful, Han. I only used the Force to pull the blaster from your hand. I could just as easily have ripped your arm off along with it. Sentinel, take him! And take the Wookiee too.
Prisoners secured.
Now. Leia. Give me that lightsaber.
*lightsaber* Come and take it!
Good... good!
*gasp* The Emperor himself!
Leia, don't be a fool!
I don't know what he did to you Luke, but get back!
Excellent! Strike your brother! Then you will see what new powers he has won from the Dark Side of the Force.
I- I won't use this lightsaber on you, Luke. But your sentinels- Hey, you overgrown freak, let go of my husband!
-gaaah! Thanks, Leia, it's good to be breathing again!
Now we're leaving. And we're taking Luke with us.
Brave Jedi. But really, such an old lightsaber is not a worthy weapon for you!
Prisoners restrained.
Not again!
Look at you. Brother and sister Jedi. The last of your kind, and I have you both! This one, my dear apprentice, so strong in the Force... he has learned his lessons well! And the sister, so vulnerable, so inexperienced, and yet she holds the key to the future!
Get your hands off me!
Do not worry, little Jedi, I'll not harm you. Indeed, I will teach you things you have never imagined - I will show you real power only Jedi can wield! Come, my son.
Yes... my master.
Bring your friends. Let us reveal to them the wonders I have in store! Let us show them the future of the galaxy. My... lovely clones!
Power surge? I don't sense a power surge anywhere!
Long ago, I found my flesh could not withstand the awesome demands of the Dark Side. The Emperor himself was dying. My body was literally consumed by the energies I had unleashed. Fortunately there was a way, a road to eternal life!
But - how!
Well done my daughter! Your first step toward the Dark Side of the Force. But it would take more than a Jedi apprentice and a falling object to kill me. Now, let me show you something!
Stop it. Stop, you're killing her!
Luke - help me! *thump*
Filth, you've murdered my wife!
Don't worry, my friend. She'll live. That's just a little discipline for a Jedi. Sentinels! Take her to my quarters. It is time to begin her training.
Don't - Leia! Leia!
Han, do not interfere.
Traitor! Out of my way. Gack!
You leave me no choice.
Gk-! Let go of my throat Luke-
Han... I strongly suggest you refrain from violence. For Leia's sake.
-kkh. You've become just like him. Just like Vader or worse!
Master Luke! You're killing him!
You understand nothing of what is taking place. Or what I'm doing to save the galaxy.
You don't deserve to live. For what you've done, Luke - I'll kill you myself. I'll - gack!
That may be true, Han. I may have to die. But I assure you. It won't be you who does the deed.
Soon, my young apprentice, your sister will be mine!
Yes... my Master.
Very good, Princess Leia. You have understood.
I am here.
You may leave us guards! Now, my daughter... the time for subtlety is over. Where is my holocron?
I don't have it. I've come for my brother. Luke, are you all right?
He will not answer unless I command it.
He will answer me. Luke-!
You still defy me? Perhaps you do not know your own heart in these matters. The child in your womb will be given to me. Is that not so?
You cannot resist. I will raise this child in the power of the Dark Side! The child will become an extension of my will.
At the appropriate age, I will displace the personality that dwells within, take on his young Jedi body as my own!
Now, if I but touch you... yes, heh, the child grows- AAAAAAAH! You tricked me.
You aren't the only one here who understands the power of the Force, your Majesty. *lightsaber* And if you touch me again, I'll cut off your hand.
Curse you, Jedi! No... I have something better for you. Skywalker! I have broken you! Now, prove yourself worthy of serving me!
Yes, my Master. *lightsaber*
Bring your sister over to the Dark Side! You have the power!
I don't know what he's done to you Luke, but this time we're really leaving.
Leia. Put the lightsaber away. I don't want to hurt you.
The last thing I'd do is hurt you, Luke. What's happened to you is not final.
Hahahahaha! He cannot hear you, child! To him you are a ghost, a faint memory of a former life!
Luke... listen! Luke - *lightsaber off* what have you done? What's behind his vacant stare?
Why - nothing, my child. Nothing.
You. Are. Nothing.
Where am I?
No - Help me-
There is no one. There is only the Dark Side.
I-am-a Jedi. Aaaaah!
You are not Jedi. You are nothing. You have no name.
My name - is - Skywalker! AAAAUAG!
Listen to the Dark Side. You have no name.
I have... no name.
You serve the Dark Side.
I... s-serve...
Listen to the voices!
The voices...
Of the Dark Side!
One law is fear. One fear is power. The one power is hate.
Luke. Clear your mind.
The one law is fear. The one fear is power!
Luke... I'm your sister. I need you.
My sister...
You are alone.
Luke, listen to my voice. My child will be a very great Jedi. Because you will train him. You will train all my children in the ways of the Force.
Do not listen!
It's - Leia! The Force - I am not alone! I am never alone!
No! This can't be! No one returns from the Dark Side! You're mine!
Leia! Help me! I've gone too far, I found knowledge, all the dark things Father knew so well! The ability to control others, to destroy others if he chose... if I chose... Ben warned me, Yoda warned me, but I had to do it, Leia! I had to know what happened to our father! I had to know why he chose the Dark Side!
And now you know what happened to our father. It's time to come home now, Luke.
Do not listen to her! Listen to the voice of the Dark Side! Your power is immense!
No! The powers of control and destruction weren't the only things I found in the Dark Side, Emperor! I also found great isolation, and sadness. I found fear. These are the feelings my father felt. The feelings even you feel, in your moments of darkest triumph!
Nonsense! Curse you, Skywalkers, both of you! I'll tell you the truth about your father -
The great Darth Vader was a sick man in an iron mask!
Yes... that mask spread terror throughout the galaxy, but the feeble heart within was possessed by the impotent side of the Force. You can be far stronger then he was. Dark... Jedi... You're going to let your weak sister get the better of you? Get up! I can give you the power to break her! You will kill your sister, if I demand it!
NO! I made a mistake. I thought I had to save the galaxy alone. All by myself. But the way of the Jedi is not a solitary path!
*gasp* The holocron! Luke - the holocron told me to join with my brother.
Yes... The Force binds us, brings us together. Many people are fighting this war, together! Our ally is the Force! Through the strength of the Force, your shroud of evil has been lifted from my mind!
*lightsaber* So be it! Through the power of the Force, you will die! Aaaaauh!
Now, your Highness. We will escort you to Alliance space, where you will surrender the galaxy to the New Republic.
Look at you. Do you think I don't know your plan? The Dark Side has you! You intend to rule the galaxy in my place but, utter imbecile that you are, you have still failed to understand my power!
Listen as your friends die!
He's created another energy storm! You're going to slaughter all those people!
Yes, did I not warn you? I've played along with your Jedi dueling games for long enough. Now, you will experience my full potency! I live as energy - I AM the Dark Side!
What have you done? The power you've unleashed - not even you can control it!
But we can, Luke. We can do it. That's what the holocron meant. Let me add my power to yours.
Yes.... waste your time on stupid Jedi tricks! The storm will crush you to dust!
I'm here Luke.
I'll try.
What are you doing?
Luke - I feel the Force!
Yes... it's surrounding the Emperor. Cutting him off from all the power he poured into the storm.
Fools! If you destroy me, the dark force will crush you as well!
Trapping him in his own dark hatred!
No! Aaaaargh---!