I went through
this LP of Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones. Then I looked up
the dialogue on IMBD.
Aw, Prince of Persia... Nostalgia! I remember hearing about the split personality when PoP:TTT was coming out. This was at an age when split personalities could get me interested in absolutely anything. I went on Wikipedia and decided to start with Sands of Time, having the impression that the split started then.
It didn't, but it was a lot of fun. I'd more or less disliked platformers before, but the rewind was great. And the Prince was snarky, and went through character development, and the whole game was well worth the playing.
Tried Warrior Within as a rental. Hated it. Bad music, bad Darker And Edgier, generic protagonist, attempts to sexify things... And the rental was buggy, too.
Everyone says that the third game was a balance between the first's great and the second's ungreat, and... well, I saw that too. But I did enjoy the dialogue.
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