Feb 10, 2010 17:30
Rereading "Shadows of the Empire", I found this passage from Leia's POV, when she's just woken from a dream/memory of Han getting frozen in carbonite.
She felt the emotions well, felt them threaten to spill out in tears, but she fought it. She was Leia Organa, Princess of the Royal Family of Alderaan, elected to the Imperial Senate, a worker in the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Alderaan was gone, destroyed by Vader and the Death Star; the Imperial Senate was disbanded; the Alliance was outmanned and outgunned ten thousand to one, but she was who she was. She would not cry.
She would not cry.
She would get even.
I love Leia. When she's not the damsel in distress, anyway. I love when she's written as taking after her father more than Luke does. Zahn writes her like that more than the others do. She's got such righteous fury, but she keeps it controlled.
star wars,