So, I went with my family East, to Lake Michigan. We lived for some days in the cabin of a family friend(NO INTERNET! AGGH!) in a tourist town. I met my great-aunt again, the globetrotter. She is very, very direct. When and if I get old, I want to be like that. There was this one moment when she said that I was growing up straight. She meant that I stood with decent posture(A lot of people seem to think that we're well-behaved. Dad says that we've been brought up 'conservatively', ie we have manners, don't interrupt too often, stay reasonably clean, never throw fits in restaurants, etc. Apparently that's unusual these days.), but it was a little weird.
Saw "Hancock" in a theater that was built, honestly, in nineteen twenty four. Eighty eight years ago! There was only the one theater, connected almost directly to the street with only a little anteroom in between. The walls were papered, all the way up, the seats were old and green and peeling, there was a little stage in front of the screen, it played one movie several times in a week. Awesome! The theater, I mean. Hancock was pretty meh. I just didn't like any of the characters.
Plucked and ate blackberries off a bush. I think they were blackberries, anyway. I'm not sick or dead yet! This bush was under a taller, small-tree-ish bush, which protected it from birds. I did not wash them. Hey, I'm young and convinced of my own immortality! The juice made my fingers look bruised, and my tongue was purple. Gotta love berrying. Doesn't matter if the berries are sour, bland, or sweet. And in this case it was all three.
Did we do much of anything else interesting at the cabin... well, there was some swimming, and eating an entire HALF OF A CHICKEN at a charity food thing(the meal cost ten dollars each. You are given HALF OF A ROAST CHICKEN. Complete with tail), and I had the Seagull Revelation .... eh, nothing really.
On the way to the campsite, we paused at a rest stop and on the way back a yellow jacket stung me on the upper arm. It hurt like hell. I was just walking and it stung me and I clapped my hand over it and stopped still. It fell away, dead, when Mom had me take my hand off it. They were talking about getting the stinger out, and I said no, yellow jacket stingers weren't barbed. Hope I'm right. Ice made it possible to move that arm and have no pain, but it always melted and quickly too. Felt like I was being stung over and over in that one point, and this throbbing heat... Moving that arm always made it worse, and my fingertips were half numb. Sleeping that night was not fun, but by morning it was better. There's a little mark on my arm now. Indistingushiable from the other imperfections.
That night it rained, and also in the morning. We packed up and left a day early because of that. Tents are a hassle. The car was packed like a Tetris wall, I'm glad that the Stranger is in California, and I started getting my sister hooked on Ace Attorney.
Something I found
here I... I ... Bwahahahaha! Fine, I'll hotlink!
Dayum, Cap! But I agree with
harmonyangel. Glasses? Really? And... hairline... plus, the Constitution? Canonically he's a Tolkein fan... eh, whatever, it still gives me a nice mix of pleased feelings. I like cheesecake, but it's always nice to see beefcake too. Equal opportunity fanservice!
Still looking at
Crowning Music of Awesome. Someone made Dragonforce's
"Through The Fire and Flames" in
Mario Paint. It is very cool.
... Also that wildly happy
Caramel Dansen thing and the more macho
Danjo, which has kept me awake at night. Damn you,
Memetic Mutation!
Mysteriously, I can't seem to get the URLs or embedd codes from these! How annoying! There's the "fill the screen" thing, but that's all.
Saw The Dark Knight on Tuesday. Eh. It was a very good movie, I'll grant you that. But not to my tastes at all. I said on the way out that it wasn't as good as Iron Man. My brother told me that it will be a long time before I find anything I like as much as Iron Man. I'm willing to wait.
Did see a balding portly guy with two very young, barely-more-than-toddlers children going to a showing of it right as we left. Guh. That... whuh... They were asking him if Robin was in this one, and he said yes, and they were both "Yay Robin!", and I'm forced to conclude that people are stupid. Kids are always going to be walking into movies that they are too young for, fine, I hate censorship. But you should not take children under five to see The Dark Knight!