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Considering my yoinking of the word "Stranger", this song becomes a little more interesting.
Huh. Okay, Strangers are essentially the character, Palims are a mix, and what about the others.... What are they called? Plagiarism?
There's a comm called
xkcd_boomdeyada, devoted to trying to make a live-action version of that strip. Cool.
On being an agnostic. Soon I Will Be Invincible gleefully describes a street-leveling superbattle involving a world-threatening
Mad Scientist with tons of tricks up his sleeves facing down a
normal human with an animal on the chest of his uniform, a lightning-summoning fairy, a bipedal tiger, and a flying invulnerable woman, started when the mad scientist was just trying to
drink some coffee. Almost perfectly invincible
flying man with heat-beam eyes saves a lovely reporter from constant kidnapping by a villain intimately tied into his past, dies and has a massive funeral, or rather, fakes it for a very short time, and always saves the world. The bad guy defeats the good guys and ties them up in
death traps. Famous heroes
sacrifice themselves to save the planet from warring aliens, while villains
never die and
always escape, or go to
Cardboard Prison. No one finds these events strange or unbelievable. Very shocking in a book where said mad scientist
wonders why he doesn't
find a career that'd make money rather than involve him being beaten up by powered heroes, and the bipedal tiger is known to have back problems. - TV Tropes article.
Seriously, it's a great book. The "voice" of Doctor Impossible comes through very clearly, right from the beginning. Fatale's "voice" doesn't feel fundamentally different from his. It's a good read.
Finished Mass Effect. ....Wow. Totally wasn't expecting any of that. Good game, certainly. But... wow. When's the next one?!