So, tomorrow - Monday - the whole family, including me and my adoptive cousin is packing into the SUV(why, why, why did we have to get an SUV?) and driving six hours to Chicago. Where we will stay with my mom's sister, her husband, and their four kids.
We are staying for four nights. Little else is planned. We're possibly going to the Chicago Field Museum and the beach. Naturally it's the wrong time of the month, which is, without fail, the ONLY time of the month that my family EVER schedules swimming. I mean it. The ONLY time we ever go to a lake or visit someone with a pool is when I'm bleeding everywhere, and there are never tampons in the house, either. I request them, they never show up.
What's more, I don't like my cousins. At all. This is shocking, but I don't like little kids. Yes! I'm female! And I don't like children! And it isn't some hormonal imbalance or childhood trauma that makes me feel this way! Two of them are small excitable children. The second oldest is a girl, who gets along with my sister. She's okay, I guess. I don't have anything against her. The oldest is a boy about my brother's age, teenager by now, and he is a brat. No discipline. His father will, right in the middle of dinner, grab and pull him by the ear to scold him. It does not work.
(Frankly, I don't like their father either. I get the feeling he doesn't like me either. We avoid each other.)
I don't like people, damn it! Especially my cousins! On my mom's side. On my dad's side, there aren't so many, and they're okay. But I really, really don't like any of my maternal cousins.
Including me and my adoptive cousin, there are six people in the household. The SUV has seven seats. I'm told to pack light, and that when we get there, I'm supposed to 'mingle' and 'socialize' instead of having a book in hand the whole time the way I do literally anytime we go anywhere. Not happening. I wish that they would leave me behind. What does it matter that I haven't seen these cousins in a good while? I don't miss them!
If it gets as bad as I suspect it will, I'll start biting myself again. I haven't done that since freshman year of high school, but sometimes you're just that angry and frustrated and you can't do anything else. Feh. Best case scenario, at some point I'll see the new Pixar movie. I've heard good things about it.
Guess I'll put together some links, in the off chance that I'll get at someone's computer while we're there.
Damn it! Why won't LJ let me hotlink?!
Agggh. I'll just make a comment.