It's a wonder my cat doesn't just pack up and leave. I expect him to one day just turn into Brian from Family Guy and tell me off while he's at the door about to leave with a martini in his hand. "Maria, I... I just can't take this anymore. Look at you. Your lackadaisical mishmash of a personality confuses me. I came into this thing thinking you were witty and intelligent. But who would have guessed someone can be reading Sartre or Nietzsche one moment, and then grab me by the face and baby talk to a 7 year old cat the next. It's been almost a decade now. I'm not your kitten anymore. I have to leave. I'm sorry. I hope you can move on."
I've started doing things at the gym that make me feel like a wuss again. Not that I've in any way evolved from my wussiness. I'm still weak and wimpy, but I was just able to lift more. It came to the point where I kept getting more and more excited about my progress and couldn't wait to be able to lift more. Every time I added more weight to what I was using, I felt accomplished, then I realized umm... I don't want big arms So I've changed my workout. It's depressing and painful.
But um.
So are all the books I read/bands I listen to/
I just got my mom to start watching The Daily Show.
Last night Bill Clinton was on {rerun tonight at 7pm on Comedy Central - watch it}. Also, they showed this new ad that is/was out that had four veterans and a doctor who claimed to serve with John Kerry during the war. "I was there, I served with him and I can say that his claims are false" kind of thing. The funny thing is none of these four men ever even met John Kerry, were stationed with John Kerry, or even cared to know who the hell this John Kerry was, and by "serving with him" they meant they were somewhere in Viet Nam at the same time. Haha it was so ridiculous I had to laugh. The fact checkers at the Daily Show do such a good job it's orgasmic. I highly encourage you all to watch this episode. It's so bloody hilarious. Clinton was awesome too. I agree with Jon, he looks a lot better now. He was calm and well-spoken. He does have a certain charisma. I wonder what kind of ass he gets these days.
Agh it was sooo gooood. That show is orgasmic. After the convention though, they've been running out of things to say to mock the Democratic party. I'd say fair and balanced, but I don't want to get sued. It's informative. Satirists have always been the most informative. I can't wait until I have a child and they come home from school one day saying "Mommy/Maria, did you ever watch um...the Daily Show? We're learning about it in school"
"A recent study shows that 21% of young people regularly get their campaign news from... The Daily Show." No fucking way. Wow, really now, you're tellin me that a show that...that... actually tries to reach out to the younger crowd in a way that for once in forfuckingever is intended to actually keep their attention... actually does? Who would have thought that young people would go for that. My flipping flaming GOD.
Sara and Lech and I are going up for a taping next month
I'll through my bra at Jon Stewart.
whats funny is the fact that if you do a search for his book on the internet without using quotation marks around it, you get porn. {It's called Naked Pictures of Famous People}
My latest favourite anitrepublicanesque daily show quote: {not exact} "Well now that the Democratic Convention is over and the spotlight is on John Kerry---oh, umm.. this just in: Raised Terror Alert."
My latest favourite antidemocratesque Daily Show quote: {after showing a clip of Clinton on 60 Minutes saying "I think if Ken Starr didn't run the investigation, I would have confessed."} "Let me get this straight...if you weren't investigated, then you would have come clean? That's what I love about Clinton: he has the highest integrity when the situation is at its most hypothetical."
Chris Rock isn't necessarily funny, but I thank him for bringing the term "cracka ass cracka" to us. I try to say it whenever I remember that I can.
Guess what! I learned how to write in emo! watch me
.....................................I saw her today.
and I felt no I feel so ripped in two too to pieces.
my soul is frozen
like her eyes
this is forever
this is foreveryone
who has had their Y
like shredded wheat a food processor
----of love
Sara we need to talk {about Freddy}.