Jul 29, 2004 18:30
I'm about to finish up Sara's presents. She's out to dinner with her family for her birthday.
John might call after a stimulating dinner with his boss. Mmm mm. Fun.
I feel good for how tired I should be. I've been going to the gym every day since Monday. Doesn't sound like much, but it's more than a few times a week like before. This whole Fitday.com thing is really working for me. I think all I needed was visible evidence that what I was doing was worth it. Charts and graphs were never so delightful.
Yesterday, my mother went shopping. I'm in the kitchen getting some water and she says to me "I know you're dieting, but..." and pulls out a parfait, "it was only 99 cents."
"Mom! You need to stop."
"It was on sale."
"Okay, I understand, but you'd buy hamster food if it was on sale."
I have a lot of energy for how few calories I've been taking in. I can't stop fidgeting. I'm annoying myself.
I was always the person who wouldn't stop tapping their fingers or bouncing their feet.
I should be hungry.
I feel like jogging.
Last night Jon built the computer. He was also excrutiatingly abusive to me as per usual. It was seriously about 7 or 8 hours of him calling me a fag or telling me how dumb I was.
Or calling me a dumb fag. Ah yes, but this is to be expected though, of the friend who makes sure he pees on the seat when he knows I need to use the bathroom.
The computer looks awesome though, except for the crappy about-to-crumble-into-pieces case. I guess I wont be using it as a footrest.
Or a volleyball.
Sara's focused on getting a tattoo now that she's 18. Not a good idea. You hear that Sara? NOT A GOOD IDEA. Rushing into something so permenant, especially anywhere visible is not wise. I waited to get the tattoo I have on my wrist for a few years and I'm so happy I did, because if I got it right away, I woudln't have thought to change it to make it mine, I woudn't have gotten it done by an artist I trust {{I love Terry!}} and I wouldn't have gotten my job at the bank.
Not the that job at the bank was anything to orgasm over, but a non retail or fast food job in south jersey is pretty good and now I have a car and an education.
Don't get me wrong, I think it's ridiculous that your body has anything to do with your skill, but you've gotta play the game.
It's like.....NOT voting for Nader, no matter how much you'd like to.
Nader, or Mr. Vote Wastey Election McRuiner as Steve Colbert wisely puts it.
I wonder if Steve Colbert has a sex face. Haha, I wonder if he has a sex voice.
Ehh, it's probably disturbing in a Stephen Hawking kind of way.
Oh. My. God I'm.... So turned.