
Jul 16, 2008 15:49

I returned to my yoga mat yesterday after a long period of not being able to put that kind of prolonged pressure on my ankle.

It felt... really good.  Of course I went easy on myself.  I didn't stay in warrior pose for a 20 minutes or anything, but I did try to accomplish most of what my pre-workout routine used to be.  Surprisingly, I haven't lost that much flexibility.  Reaching down to my feet, I thought "ah crap.  I used to be able to--oh.. ohhh look at that... aaaankles.... tooeess.. ah, Mr. Floor, there you are!"

I still really enjoy Prasarita Padottanasana (translates, I believe, to "wide spread feet pose".  It puts me in an instantly calmed state.  I was trying to dissect the reasons for my love of this pose.  Maybe I just thoroughly enjoy opening my eyes upside down.  Or perhaps there's something calming about having both feet, both palms (depending on the variation), and my head placed on the floor.  It's a very sturdy position.  Well, unless you fall, of course.

I have a chiropractor appointment tomorrow.  I haven't been there in a few months, which is foolish since both my mother and Bill pre-paid for a total of six adjustments for me for my birthday.  Man.  I must really bitch about my back a lot.

So Bill miiiiight be back tonight.  I suppose we won't know until dusk.  They'll finish their... marine, I hope I hope I hope I hope.

I got a text message from Josh yesterday saying "Hey if my reply on MySpace sounds messed up I plead the fifth.  I'm all sorts of unfocused lately."
Bill: "'I plead the fifth'?  The hell does that mean?"
Me:  I think it's as close to an apology as we're going to get... for... that reply...

I could only respond to Josh with "Okay." since, if I'm remembering correctly from my 8th grade Civics class, pleading the Fifth means I can't force him to incriminate himself on the charges of his reply being "messed up".

I think.

Whatever.  See, this is why vodka is a better friend than people.

There are three days left on my auctions for four tickets to one of Radiohead's shows at the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles on eBay and they've already more than paid for themselves.  Based on a combination of the amount of emails I've received from people planning to bid (making sure I didn't accidentally duplicate my listing), number of watchers, and the common wisdom that the vast majority of concert ticket bidding takes place on the last day, I'm predicting I'll be making a fair amount of profit on these buggers.  They're decent seats, too.

I think I'll return to the internet ticket scalping ways of my past.  I need money, and people who are still willing to shell out an entire paycheck to see Cher deserve to give it to me.
Sooo... Janitor from Scrubs looks a whole hell of a lot like Llewellyn Moss (No Country For Old Men) when they put a mustache and shaggy hair on him in this one episode where he talks about being some sort of triathlete in his youth.  It's the same episode where JD actually says something funny, for once.  When he's picking out a new grandpa at the Grandpa Kennel.  He lures one to him with a Worthers Original and while scratching him behind the ear, says (in "good doggy" voice), "You've got a piece of hard candy you can unwrap in a theater."

I dunno.  It made me chuckle.

I need to go back to turning off the tv when Spongebob and Chowder aren't on.

exercise, money, josh, radiohead, bill, tv

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