More here... In other news, Jesse's been back and within biking distance for TWO BLOODY WEEKS.
The other night, while Bill and I were at Khale's house, Jesse's name popped up on my cell phone, and I was confused. I literally jumped when he said he was back, then, when he said he'd been back for a fortnight, proceeded to call him every bad name I could remember short of maybe "ninny" or "namby-pamby."
That cock. I was so angry at him.
In other news, I'll be all finished with Stockton within the next handful of days (though you can't technically hold days). It's weird.
Yesterday, Heather and I presented our PowerPoint on Dr. Josef Mengele. Everyone always says this and they're usually lying, but I did about 90% of the work, and I'm fine with it mostly. I think mostly because I was determined to get an A, and trusted only myself with that task. After class, White walked up and saying we did great. I asked "'A' great?" And he said yes.
Then when sending him a digital copy of our presentation through the e-mail, I wrote:
there ya go.
Remember, you said we got an A. We shook on it.
Well, mentally we did.
Also, question: What time do we meet for our final on Tuesday, again? The brain cell holding that information died in my last Bloody Mary.
Here's hoping the ol' sense of humour/compassion for drinkers doesn't expire in December.
Gotta run to Personality Theory class