Easily the most amusing and dare I say fulfilling series of theme commercials, I have fallen under the spell of geico.com's "So easy a caveman can do it" ad campaign. While browsing YouTube (because that's what I do at four in the morning; I look up commercials online), I found the entire series of the best ad campaign ever:
<-my favourite.
<-my other favourite.
And then I found this extra shit!
<-I never saw this.
<-weird fake movie trailer.
Since when has Nick-at-Nite turned into the Roseanne marathon channel? Also, since when have scenes from Roseanne been too "violent in nature" to be shown on tv at 5am?
I really enjoy Roseanne, now. In my teen and younger years, I hated it and would only try to flip through channels faster if I saw it on tv. Now, however, I have a new respect for the show and the actor. I dig Roseanne Barr because she developed a successful acting career in a non-glamourous, rather down-to-earth role without whoring herself out to either the conveniently beautiful or fat-for-the-sake-of-fat-jokes female role. As annoying as her voice may be, I can't think of any other women who've done that. Every woman on tv is so goddamn pretty, or at least symmetrical [one of the most aesthetically pleasing characteristics of a person's appearance] unless she's just there to be unattractive for humour or to accentuate the lead's sex appeal.