Aug 20, 2006 00:46
Alright. I haven't written in forevers, because [lame excuse or claims of laziness etc], but if I don't get something down now, I'll just keep putting it off.
Well, I'm home, alone, which is nice. I'm about sick of my family now, most of them. My mom's cool, and one of my aunt's, Nancy, is cool, but the rest of them can go eat some grenades or something. Seriously. I want them to go away forever. And you know what? It doesn't even have to be painful, as long as they're gone forever.
The wedding was a week from today. It was, at best, aesthetically pleasing. Lots of Indian-ness. Everyone on our side was in a sari, myself included. I felt so strange wearing so much makeup and such little material. And the sequins. Yeah, I could go without being around that many sequins ever again really. I don't have any pictures, but when I do, I'll consider putting them up. Maybe.0
The best man, Patrick, was... something. For starters, he was the best looking male there. I know because I was looking at him the whole time. Okay, he wasn't gorgeous, but damn did I feel lucky, being obligated to do things like take his arm or slow dance with him. This is a very charismatic fellow.
The dancing was nice. Sorta weird. He kind of had me in front of his hip (is that how people dance? I felt like I was riding his thigh or something). In between stepping on his toes and my saying "sorry" and his saying "it's okay, you're doing fine" a half a dozen times, though, I said to him, "I feel kinda bad dancing with someone's boyfriend."
"It's okay. That makes you the other woman, which makes me more attractive."
Patrick gave what may have been the ballsiest speech ever given at a wedding reception. I don't remember all of it, but I remember strands of words like, "This celebration is about beginnings, but we have to consider how this will end as well. You guys said 'til death do you part, and that's, let's be honest here, a pretty lofty aspiration," and oh m'god guys, the mood in the entire reception hall shifted uncomfortably. It was like watching some sort of car wreck. He finished the toast and sat back down across from me and I said to him with what may have been too big a grin, "that was a pretty ballsy speech." Damn.
This was the same brother who emailed Jimmy asking about Lila's intentions in marrying him. Balls!
Alright. Josh has done his best to pull me out of my house tonight, so I must go. More information on the past week will come later.
But first...Me being the asshole boyfriend
The Fight:
ImJoeDenney: whats up with tomorrow
ImJoeDenney: actually i cant
oceandoesntwntme: ....what?
ImJoeDenney: tomorrow
ImJoeDenney: nothing
ImJoeDenney: nevermind
oceandoesntwntme: you can't what?
oceandoesntwntme: haha, are yous till e-pissed at me?
oceandoesntwntme: don't be. well, no, you can.
ImJoeDenney: nothing
ImJoeDenney: you forgot
ImJoeDenney: nevermind i said it
oceandoesntwntme: (this feels like role reversal) stop saying nevermind. what did I forget?
oceandoesntwntme: I know we were trying to make plans, but, did we actually settle on some day?
oceandoesntwntme: if so, yeah, I forgot.. thus making me an asshole.
oceandoesntwntme: c'monnnnnn...
oceandoesntwntme: who's my little pudding cup
Later, The Makeup:
oceandoesntwntme: listen, I am sorry.
oceandoesntwntme: so liiiike... you believe that, right?
ImJoeDenney: yeah
ImJoeDenney: i do totally
ImJoeDenney: im gay
ImJoeDenney: i like you a bunch, im not gonna get mad over that
ImJoeDenney: now suck my cock
oceandoesntwntme: haha
oceandoesntwntme: I'm always afraid of turning into that girl
oceandoesntwntme: the one's like "shit, I messed up. what can I do? .........................................gah, fuck."
ImJoeDenney: yer not her?
ImJoeDenney: wtf am i wasting my time for then
oceandoesntwntme: haha!
oceandoesntwntme: I hate you.
ImJoeDenney: well i love you
ImJoeDenney: yer a fantastic human
ImJoeDenney: yer my female counterpart
ImJoeDenney: except for all the hippie shit
internet funny,