Baby killing and war

Nov 01, 2008 20:21

I was watching this video. I didn't get very far. Once I saw pictures of the dead infant, I stopped and started crying. So I'm pretty pissed and emotionally upset, because I think of my own dear children and can't imagine them going through the pain and suffering of these sweet babies.

I don't have a say on how the US election goes, but I have to say that I am sick to death of people defending their choice for McCain/Palin by saying they are pro life. BULLSHIT! It's either bullshit, or you're a bunch of racists who think that somehow cute little American babies should have a right to life, but Iraqi babies need to die. Yeah yeah, casualty of war, but you know what? There needn't be a fucking war anymore. Yes, you need to help the region and dammit, by all means defend yourself, but fuck, the amount of Iraqi casualties is nearing the amount of people who died in Rwanda...Know what that was called? Genocide. There are people dying all over the world, women, men, children, babies. But there is no need anymore to inflict this kind of madness on innocents. There is no reason why babies have to die at the hands of McCain/Palin and every single person who votes for them is just as guilty of murder as every other person who has destroyed the life of a child. So if you are pro life, you damn well better start thinking about ALL life and not just those in your very limited scope. Because those children dying in Iraq, are just as innocent, precious and has every right to breathe and live as those in women's bodies and you need to stop being so hypocritical.

I'm going to church tomorrow, I'm going to go meditate on the children that have been lost in this "war" and I'm going to hope that change is coming and that the first and supposedly more civilized world, will see exactly how disgusting this affair has been and tell assholes like Bush and McCain that this reign of terror is over.

And for clarity, I have no problems supporting military personnel who act honourably, I have a big problem supporting politicians who approve the killing of hundreds of thousands of people for nothing more than greed and the people that support that ideology, whether willingly or blindly.
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