Haha I can't believe my little K-Ports won tonight. As much as I think the hair has gotta go, I just can't help but love him. He's so little and cute with his nervous laugh after every sentence. Although I think several trips to the beer tent may have calmed his nerves quite a bit. My favourite part: his attempt to spice up the introduction by saying "favourite international arteest". Hot. And speaking of beer tents...
Over the last 12 hours or so I've been trying to piece together the drunken adventures of last night and I figured writing it down might help. Why write it in here you might ask? Well firstly, why not? And secondly this way, if you care at all, you may get a glimpse of my incredibly boring fascinating life. But if you don't care, feel free to stop reading right now. I won't be offended.
Cuttage for your convenience
Right, so Sash and I decided we were going to go out with Sarah and her boyfriend and friends from school. We were kind of worried that it might be awkward so we started drinking pretty early. So Sarah comes to pick us up and it turns out her boyfriend (who we had never met before) is really hot. And nice. And funny. And pretty much perfect. And over the course of the night he was being a little too flirty with me considering he was out with his girlfriend, or not quite flirty enough and I'm pretty sure I decided by the end of the night that I could have stolen him away if I had more time and was a bitch. Anyways, we started off at the house where 5 of Sarah's friends (all guys) live. And one of them (Mike) I was friends with way back in the theatre days. And this other dude (Drew) I had met once briefly but he didn't remember me. So Drew learns what my name is while he's sitting beside Mike and his expression totally changes and he asks Mike if "this is the Joy he always talks about." Ok red alert here. So later I get Drew alone (very drunk now) and this conversation ensues:
Joy: So does Mike actually talk about me? Like did he say bad stuff?
Drew: (jokingly) No, he mostly just says your name in his sleep... (author's note: creepy)
*insert Joy's nervous habit of biting her lip* a habit which I apparently need to break, like, now
Drew: Yeah, bite your lip. That's hot.
So several flights of stairs and painful blisters later, we finally get to the bar. Packed dance floor as usual. The bouncer was standing above everyone dancing by himself! And not just like a casual sway, full out dancing! We laughed. There's a creepy middle-aged man standing behind me in a bar full of teenagers and twenty-somethings. The next notable conversation ensues:
Sarah's boyfriend: That guy behind you totally wants you...you should ask him to dance!
*Joy turns around and sees that he is old*
Joy: Are you kidding me? He's like 40!!
boyfriend: (totally serious) Joy, age doesn't matter.
It was at this point that I decided I approved of him although not necessarily dating my friend.... Because anyone who jokes about hooking me up with a middle-aged creeper when they've just met me is ok in my books. Good sense of humour=200 bonus points.
So we go over to the bar and I'm about to buy me and Sash a shot when I decided for some reason that we're not drunk enough. Better make it two each. The bartender sees that this is my plan and gives me an encouraging thumbs up.
Serious creeper incident #2:
So we're dancing and this guy comes up behind Sasha. What follows is the most accurate transcription of the conversation as I could manage...
Creeper: So, do you like strawberries?
Sasha: No.
Creeper: Do you like apples?
Sasha: No.
Creeper: So what kind of fruit do you like?
Sasha: None.
*As we attempt to hightail it out of there the guy tries to grab both of our hands not once, but several times* Ew.
Then when I get home at 3 am I have my brother drive me to McDonalds to get one of those new Rolo McFlurrys, which are heaven in a plastic cup by the way. Anyways, I took some random pictures. They might show up here sometime soon. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for you time, and apologize for the 15 precious minutes of your life that you will never have back. Thank you and good day.