I'm really only doing this because I feel guilty for not having made an entry in over a month a really long time. Schoolwork and workwork have been crazy. But I'm done school in just under a week whereupon there will be a real entry in which topics discussed will be some or all of the following:
My choir concerts - including but not limited to:
-our accompanist who is retiring and probably the cutest old man ever in the history of the world
-the pretty bass soloist who was French!
-the guy in my class who looks and acts like George O'Malley and I am therefore in love with even though he's really not all that pretty
-the seriously creepy guy who approached me and attempted to engage me in conversation while I was waiting for rehearsal to start
-our fancy dressing rooms
Love for Grey's Anatomy (Denny!)
Hatred of T.R. Knight's hobbit hair
Love for Entourage (especially the adorableness of Kevin Connolly-he's so little!)
My dog (he had to be put down a couple weeks ago and it was sad)
random childhood memories
- brilliant new music discoveries (ah, MySpace)
Stay tuned!