I'm not exactly sure why I'm updating right now, but I am sure that it requires bullets like, oh, 96.13% of my entries.
- Thank you so much to everyone that filled out my survey. It was helpful like whoa. If you didn't fill it out and still want to feel free to e-mail me your answers or comment in that entry or this one. I can always use more responses. To be honest I think I'm a little too into this project. I went to talk to my prof in her office hours last week and she asked how my research was going and I was all like "This one part of the survey is so fascinating because the answers are what I expected except not and it's so cool!" I think this is a strong indication that I have no life. But I could be wrong.
- Oh my God Grey's tonight. I cried. When do I cry while watching tv you ask? Never. This show gets better every week. Also apparently I have taken to giving all the shows that I watch short form titles even if they don't need them. Like Grey's Anatomy isn't exactly a long name, yet I prefer to call it Grey's. Cold Case is even shorter and what have I been calling it? C. Case. So instead of my Sunday night lineup being Cold Case, Desperate Housewives, and Grey's Anatomy like most normal people, it is C. Case, DHW, and Grey's. And they're not even normal short forms. Desperate Housewives should logically just be DH! I'm pretty sure I picked up this habit from my cousin who nicknames/short forms absolutely everything. I can't stop.
- I also cannot stop listening to this song called Insomnia by Electric President. I don't even really know what attracted me to it but I'm pretty sure what kept me listening was the line that goes "I'm a headcase if I don't keep moving/and my head hurts if I don't sit still." At any rate, it's pretty awesome.
- Tonight I discovered that I have wireless internet access but only in the family room of our apartment. But still, that's the best room because it has the tv in it. I don't know why I didn't try this before or where the signal is even coming from because, clearly, we don't have wireless internet access, but who am I to question this wonderful discovery? It's basically been my dream for many years to be able to go on the internet and watch tv at the same time so you can bet I will be taking advantage of this.
- On that note, I have been doing a fair bit of thinking lately and I've basically come to the conclusion that I'm having a quarter life crisis. I mean, my life could definitely be worse but I'm just getting really restless because let's face it, I don't know anyone here. But I can't just leave my mom here by herself because, come on, it's not like she doesn't have it hard enough already. And she asks me pretty much on a daily basis if I am happy here and I lie through my teeth pretty much on a daily basis because I know if I told her I wasn't it would break her heart. So then I don't know what to do and I get all confused and I think that is why they call it a crisis. But luckily John Mayer taught me everything I need to know about these situations, albeit in a rather cryptic manner, so I think I'll be ok. Oh John, you're so wise.