Memes are fun at work...

May 26, 2010 14:02

...when one does not have other pressing work. And I do not, at this moment. At least, not work I can do while on the phone. Yaaaay!
Stolen from asimaiyat
001. what songs are you currently addicted to?
"Queen of Heaven" by Sharon Knight is my current earworm. Also, it's that time of year, so songs like "Summer Breeze" and anything by the Grateful Dead are heavy on my playlist as Summer Songz, OMG!

002. what are you currently reading?
I'm currently re-reading Number of the Beast by RAH, because it's summer and thus tasty sci-fi is on the menu. I'm really excited about reading The Veil's Edge, lent to me by franktheavenger  and books two and three of the SVM series when my coworker from the Rialto lends them to me. Brain candy, I haz it.

003. what was the last movie you saw?
Gods, I don't even know. I haven't watched many movies recently...

004. what makes you angriest/most frustrated right now?
Something in the lack o' time to do everything I want/feeling inept at supporting the people I love/struggling with Desire area.

005. favorite book and why?
I don't have a favorite - I have a list of books that are formative texts and merit rereading on a fairly regular basis. A sampling: Stranger in a Strange Land, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Once and Future King, The Four Loves, The Wasteland, Jane Eyre.

006. what are your current addictions?
Dexter. True Blood. Fresh berries. Strong kisses. Caffeine.

007. what is your favorite t-shirt?
Either my over-sized Death in the Café tshirt or my hand-me-down rainbow-spiral tie-dye.

008. something about you that most people don't know? extra points if it's interesting.
My first kiss occurred when I was sixteen, at Governor's School for the Arts, on a hot summer night when I was drunk on fireflies, feeling beautiful, and my first taste of independence.

009. what was the last thing you bought?
Coffee, this morning. Indirectly, but still.

010. do you have more friends online or off?
Most of my IRL friends also have some contact with me online. I don't have many folks that I only know online.

011. something that made you laugh today?
My own quirks. :-)

012. favorite non-alcoholic beverage?
Oh dear! Coffee or chai or pomegranate or grapefruit juice...but the current favorite is the Coco-Loco-Mocha from Third Place. It's a frozen blended mocha with coconut and peppermint. SO GOOD.

013. what was the last thing you ate?
Special K Red Berries with whole milk this morning.

014. what are your current favorite pairings?
Gaila/Kirk/McCoy. :-D Chekov/anyone/everyone. Eric Northman/Lafayette. Eric/Sookie. Eric/Me (just kidding...really...).

015. favorite website?
Google Mail, Docs, Calendar, etc. Livejournal, and then my various blogs.

016. what are your plans for tomorrow?
Work. Hang out with asimaiyat .

017. what kind of music is contained in your hard drive?
Classic Rock, Folk, Musicals, Indie-Hipster Stuff, Pagan-stuff, various nostalgic tunes.

018. favorite color?
The whole set of bold colors. In Crayola terms: maroon, dandilion, forest green, midnight blue, royal purple, plum...etc.

019. pet peeve?
Misquoted song lyrics/movie quotes/literary references.

020. guilty pleasures?
Bad vampire lit (excluding Twilight). Various 80s songs featuring baaad synthesizer. Seasoned fries, cotton candy, and other such nutritionally void foodstuffs. 

meme-y things, polyamoury is love, procrastination is the time-killer, goddamned noisy box, sharing water and stuff, fnord, attack of the fangirl, story is my world, listy things, i want it all, the pagans are coming, how it is is how it is, define interesting, internal musings, this is the news from now

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