Mar 30, 2005 16:43
This was written by Aranel on the Sense and Sensibility site
In an argument between the needle and your finger, the needle
always wins.
When tempted to toss the sewing machine through the
window, don't. It always gets the last laugh when you take it
into the shop and pay to replace the glass.
When you have a deadline, everything that can go wrong, will
go wrong. Six times.
The seamripper is our friend. Especially when we want to jam
it into something.
Sewing implements make great torture tools. Just ask the
pitiful fabric scraps huddling in terror in my stash.
Our skin is NOT needle/pin/scissor/seamripper proof.
Contrary to popular belief.
Everything in its place and a place for everything.
Does it count when everything is everywhere?
It's not a good project until it looks like the fabric monster
sneezed in your workroom.
It's not a great project until it looks like the fabric monster
sneezed in your house.
When in doubt, you might as well start over, because you've
likely messed up ten times already.
Coffee is our friend. However, coffee and fabric are NOT.
If you can eat it and make a mess, you're bound to crave it
while working on something.
Sewing + sleepy = Frankenstein's Monster
I am a grouch in the morning. I am a grouch when working.
Enter the workroom in the morning at your own peril.
Enter the workroom...ever... at your own peril.
If you drop a needle, you will find it. With your foot.
Say it with me. The iron is hot...
When using a water soluble pen on fabric, it's a halfway smart
idea not to use the steam setting on the iron afterward...
Creativity is a two edged sword. You know, the kind you can
wedge between two rocks and fall on?
Your dummy is NOT an oversized voodoo doll.
Repetition is a good thing.
Repetition is... Who am I kidding?
Repetition is for the birds.
There's always room for error.
The trick is leaving room to get it right.
When you can't do nuthin right, don't do nuthin at all.
Take a break!
It's always best to take time to smell the roses.
Doing so while in a straight jacket is ever so much better.
Relax, have fun. You wouldn't be doing this unless you
wanted to. Right? Right!?!
Never stop learning and always be able to laugh at your
Everyone else is...