I thought we lived in a quiet road.......

Sep 11, 2005 19:52

But today we are part of a Crime Scene. Earlier in the day there was a stabbing, just across the road and down a bit. (We live in a very small narrow road, that stops at one end and goes nowhere, and has another little road going off it.) It was just by the junction, and suddenly, 2 ambulances, 4 police cars or vehicles, a paramedic on a motor bike and a helicopter with a doctor and a paramedic all arived. It all made a noise, so I went to find out what had been going on, as I was in the back of the house on the computer!! DH, was watching the football, fast asleep. So we knew nothing of what was going on. We cannot put our rubbish out "as it will contaminate the crime scene"!! 2 hours on and they are still pottering about, and we still can't put out our rubbish - humph. I'll have to watch the local paper for more news. Don't know how bad a stabbing it was - the young man was still alive when he was put into the ambulance.
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