Last cigarette: 25 years ago
Last car ride: last Thursday to the supermarket
Last good cry:last wekk when I dropped a box on my face, bruised and bleeding
Last library book checked out: too long ago to remember
Last movie seen: on TV? Freaky Friday - cinema "I, Robot" last summer in Florida
Last beverage drank: herb tea
Last food consumed: breakfast muesli
Last crush: don't remember
Last phone call: My son, to borrow his MP3 player
Last time showered: yesterday morning
Last shoes worn: black lace ups
Last items bought: fashion plates on E-Bay
Last disappointment: can't remember
Last website: LJ
Last word/s you said: Have a good day - to my DH, who is working 12 hour shifts!!
What color socks are you wearing? none
What's under your bed? Dust bunnies the size of elephants!
What time did you wake up today? 8.00 a.m.
Who do you want to live with? My DH
What is your career going to be? Retirement asap!!
Where are you going to live? in London, (if there is a lottery win, in France too)
How many kids do you want? one's enough thanks!
What kind of car(s): I don't drive
Current mood: Frustrated with the work
Current music: Classic FM, music station
Current hair: short, grey-white, wavy on a good day
Current clothes: navy cotton trousers and t-shirt, black underwear
Current annoyance(s): My own lack of motivation
Current desktop picture: A plant from my garden
Current book: A Short History of Reconstruction, Eric Foner because the bloody thing WON'T END.
Nervous Habits? well, I laugh alot.
Are you double jointed? Nope
Can you roll your tongue? Yes
Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? No, and that is a great disappointment to me
Can you blow spit bubbles? yuck
Can you cross your eyes? nope
Tattoos? none
Piercings and where? Ears
Do you make your bed daily? Yeah, sorta
Which shoe goes on first? right
Favorite piece of clothing? aubergine trousers and top
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? twirl
Have you ever eaten Spam? Yes - yuck
Favorite ice cream flavor? Pistachio, or coffee
How many kinds cereal are in your cabinet? Muesli, porridge, grapenuts
What's your favorite beverage? water, tea
alcoholic - Strawberry Daquiri - sad no?
What's your favorite restaurant? Local Italian, or the Red Lobster
Do you cook? Yes...)
How often do you brush your teeth? twice a day
What is your hair drying method? blow dryer
Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair/what color? yes, grey, before it was grey, and purple.
Do you swear? @fraid so
Do you ever spit? No, Yuck.
Animal? cats, big and little, and elephants
Food? too many to choose - I like food
Month? May or October
Day? Tuesdays - go to museum day
Favorite Cartoon Character? Don't like cartoos
Shoe Brand? Whatever fits
T or F.
You cook your own dinner: T
Your parents still give you money for things: F
You walk around barefoot indoors most of the time: F
Your first car was new: F, Don't drive
You're completely broke right now: F
You spend your money wisely: F (too many fashion plates)