Snakebite heart with a bubblegum smile
Totally crashed and burned out ytd (due to my horrible sleeping habits for the past week sigh) and slept for more than 12 hours \o/ Past week's been eventful but there're some stuff I probably shouldn't be blogging about no matter how memorable they were and deserve to be mentioned. (FYI you guys rock ttm we should ttly _ _ _ again soon!! \m/) HMP results came as a very happy reward (despite my guzheng being ttly expected because I screwed up big time); I'm okay-ish with my EOY results, and very pleased with my overalls, which did come as a huge surprise (:
Anyway, I've made a list of all the crazy stuff I'm gonna do after HCL O's/UK Lit Trip/Guzheng Dip including dance lessons (Street Jazz/Hip Hop yeah I think I'm refuelling my passion in an attempt to keep fit hahaha :D) highlights in my hair (immediately after O's) sentosa/ECP trips (megazip with the Company~) shopping/bowling/frolicking in fake snow along the streets of town (with Tan yay!) and a whole lot of other exciting stuff I.just.cannot.wait.for because we have 4 hours of Chinese a day (during and after school) Gonna keep adding to my already-quite-long list later yeah baby~
It's getting harder to breathe.
I still don't know if I'm a truth or a lie, or perhaps in between.