Dec 15, 2005 20:54
I know, I know, I'm updating a lot but I'm gonna do it one more time.
I'm making this post public so everyone can read it. I have decided to cut some people of my list. If you are worried it's you, check your list. I'm not gonna bother telling you who it is but I saw this as something I had to do because this thing with Hilarie/Peyton has gone too far. I'd just like to say to you who post on the Hil/Peyton(aka Peynocchio) thread over at FF and who like to copy people's rants from LJ and make "subtle notes" about it on FF: You guys are pathetic. You go on and on about you beloved "embers" and how "clearly" LP are meant to be. Embers: A small, glowing piece of coal or wood, as in a dying fire.
embers The smoldering coal or ash of a dying fire.
Get it? LP are ASHES, they are clearly over and done with. Did they even sleep together? And you know what, I never hated LP but NOW, after your 500+ Off topic threads, going on and on about embers, wow, that is just...sad. Sad for you guys because seems like Mark was pulling your leg because there might be a journey(I know, I know, everyone drink!) but I think LP has reached the end of theirs before it even started. Get over it, dudes.
On another note about my Hil rants, go right ahead and copy them while you can. It's my pleasure to enetertain you guys about how much I hate her and you are obviously bothered by it if you feel the need to waste your time reading an entire anti rant about someone you love oh so very much. So, please, go ahead, copy them, but all I ask of you is to credit me with my name. I mean, come on, I'm writing these awesome rants and it seems like you guys enjoy them so let everyone know who it was who wrote it. So just to make things clear(no pun intended). No need to hide how pathetic you are in PMs or on IM. I really feel sorry for you guys. I really do. Embers, you really are dying embers. To the Hil/LP fans I didn't cut, I hope you don't take offense in this. I really am not directing this at you but people who steal others entries, because I really do take offense in that. I love Sophia, I love Joy and I love James. They are the hot ones and they can actually act. I'm just saying.*cough*
Now, if you excuse me, I'm gonna go enjoy some hot NH sex.