Jul 25, 2006 18:20
today started off tired and weird dreamy... as in.. i had a hard time getting out of bed because of a weird dream which included a reference to Zeus, a rock band, and zombies...
but that aside.. i proceded to return a phone call from a store which i applied for work.. it's called the Glass Bead Game, a stained glass store/studio in the little town of St. Jacob's... this call turned into an intervue which i had to get ready for pronto... it went very well.. and i got all excited about the possibility of actually working there..
after all this i went out for sashimi with my bro Jay.. it was lovely.. and for the first time in a while i felt like i was an adult right along with him...
once i got home i tried frantically to contact all my references so i could get them to the Glass Bead Game lady.. who's name is Natalie.. (and when she had called the night before, she had a conversation with my grandmother.. it was very cute to hear them both tell me about their conversation)
after only being able to find one reference i sent it to her.. within an hour i heard back from natatlie to tell me that she would like to hire me!!!!!
How fucking exciting is that?? i start sunday.. and already i'm having to balance between micheals and this new job... hopefully all will work out spleandidly..
though i know it will!!!!
i just can't believe that i now have two jobs, and i can officially say that i work full time hours! haha!!!
things seem pretty good... especially since i won't have to give up my camping weekend, which i was afraid would be the deterring factor in hiring me... but it wasn't...
anyway.. yay me!!