
Nov 18, 2007 00:11

I went to the doctor and discovered that the pregnancy wasn't viable.  Doctor speak for the baby has stopped growing, so I'm waiting to miscarry.  I was on the internet this evening researching herbal things that may help promote menstruation.  And did you know that taking 6-10 grams of Vitamin C (if taken without bioflavonoids) for 5-10 days can cause a miscarriage?  I ended up reading a lot of gyno-power stuff on the history of herbal abortions.  It was fascinating.  Some of the "remedies" have been around for thousands of years.

Dan's mom was diagnosed with Lou Gehring's Disease and was given 4 years to live.  The situation is made more complicated by the fact her husband has Alzheimer's and his doctors think he'll forget who she is in a year or two.  Dan and I have talked about who will then take care of her.  I'm prepared to move her into our house and take care of her myself.  I'll still be s stay at home mom then and 4 years really is such a short time.

It's been a rough week for us.  We were supposed to go see Dan's Mom this weekend, but that was before we knew that I was going to miscarry.  I didn't really want be on the road for that and made that decision before we found out about her diagnosis, so then Dan had to decide whether to stay here with his wife or go see his dying Mom.  I mean what a crappy decision to have to make.  Poor guy.

That's about all I'm thinking about these days.  I have a tendency not to post when I'm sad and wait until afterward when I have some perspective on the situation, so I'm not really sure how to end a sad bastard post such as this, so. . . .  sunshine and daisy.
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