Wow, What A Time It Has Been

May 15, 2005 17:24

Wow!, I haven't updated in awhile and GOSH! So much has went on...

First, school is over and done with. Got 2 B's which I was expecting, would have been nice as A's but, what can you do?

Graduation is Odlly enough I'm not even sad, I guess cause it hasn't hit me yet that it is happening. It will tomorrow for sure, during practice, knowing that in a matter of hours I'll be gone...I will be sad.

The Kelly Clarkson concert was UBER fantastic! I blew 65$ on merchandise, Your Welcome Tabbie! She has improved SOOOOOO much since last year. Her stage presance, vocal abilities, it was just amazing. Even though I went alone I enjoyed it greatly. Oober love for Mah Baby Momma!

Her new video came out for 'Behind These Hazel Eyes' 1) she looks fuckin gorgeous! 2) It was actually really well produced, vivid, and has a story line! It is her best yet most definitely.

What else?

The big thing, of course!

I was Team Captain for:

The American Cancer Society's
RELAY FOR LIFE: Poinciana High School

Omg! Tell me how that was one of the coolest (and most tiring) experiences of my life. It was one of the best features of my Senior Year.

I decided to do it with My Club: "The HYPE Club" ...of course we are a small club and everything, not having much funding or support, but wow what a job they did.

We raised a total of $1,421.17, in like 3 weeks. I got told the final amount and I was like "what? You're kidding me. No way!" I could not believe that we raised that amount. I set our goal at $500, sketpical we would even reach that.

For everyone who donated or collected donations. I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!

We also won The Rookie Award, which as Alyssa (The coordinator and presenter put it)...This award was for the club who joined a bit late, but pulled together to create an amazing team and surpassed all expectations and did just an awesome job.

To everyone who came and supported this cause. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart and soul I thank you so much for making all this possible. I could have not done it without your help, dedication, and appreciation. I am forever in your awe, you guys made this so worth while!

What a touching experience. And one of the most fun times I've had this year.

To me winning a hoola-hoop contest (my end rival was a 6 yr old girl lol)

To the Freshmen busting some of the weirdest dance moves in the world in the dance contest. (and winning)...

To setting up Samantha's Canopy tent. Which took us an hour to set one point it looked like abstract art. We got it together though, like 9 people helping. took us 2 minutes to take down.

Then to Tabbie's worst comment of the night "Patrick's mom took his virginity" THANKS TABBIE YOU ARE SO SMOOTH.
*For clarfiations, my mom was the first to sign my yearbook, therefor it was the Yearbook virginity....Tabbie forgot to mention that*

Then, Tabbie, Jesskya and I sleeping in one screened in tent thingy. (which barely fit two) In the middle of the track field, all damp and freezing. Mind you I didnt get much sleep lol.

Sat. watching Carla and Melissa do the crip walk (or something) around the track. That was hilarious.

The Carla, Melissa, Tabatha and Me line dancing. We learned the Hussle!

lol, on that note, most random moment of the event was when the DJ came up to me and asked if I'd be interested in performing (He was the head of a talent group) like going places and heading up events, line dancing all that good stuff. $100-$300 per event. That was cool, then Tabbie and Carla tryin to get in on it haha. Nice.

You guys are the best!

This was also a really touching an emotional time. The opening ceremonies had all the survivors of cancer go up and tell there story. I only wish my dad had went. Then then Luminaria ceremoney where they lit white bags in dedication to the memory or honor of cancer patients. Lined them on the track and on the stadium stairs spelling *HOPE* and turning off the lights.

That was special. I had a bag for my father lined up...

Then closing ceremonies with the awards and grand total for our event alone. It was around $16,000! That was really cool.

I cannot wait until I get the chance to do that again. Not ony was it an amazing experience for myself. But it showed that people actually care. Gave the time and effort to support a cause that won't ever benefit themselves, but will benefit for a higher purpose.

For those who collected donations, came out and supported, thank you, thank you so much for everything. You have made me so proud of the HYPE Club an of the possibility of kindness in teenagers.

We got so many compliments and heart-felt thank you's for being there. I was almost in tears at how amazed these people were to see us there. It meant so much to them and to myself.

Now It Is All Over...

It will always be remembered! Relay For Life: Poinciana High School 2005

So tired though, right after it I had to go to my Senor Awards Banquet at that point I'd been up for more then 28 hours. I got a few awards, My Academic Jacket, Letter, 4 Cheverons, and Excellence in Math Analysis and AP Literature.

It was also hel at Arabian nights, so we got a special show that included people from our school. That was really cool. Chicken was good.

Then I got home at 8. So, I would have been up for 41 hours until I went to bed at 9.

Of course at that point I slept 16 hours. Now I'm good!

Cancun on the 31st!

Ok, I'm done.

Thank you all for ending my senior year so great!
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