Aug 08, 2004 08:34
Well if you haven't heard, here in Texas we have a tax free weekend before school starts (usually the 1st weekend in AUgust) where you can get clothes tax free...!!! I took vacation on Friday and was shopping by 7am...Got quite a haul and my little man shall have lots to wear to school or just for play at home. And I got a few things for myself!!!
School supplies aren't included in the Tax Free weekend, but that is ok I just pay the school $25 a year and they provide all he needs!!! Last year I bought him some stuff then they said whatever we sent to school would get thrown together for all the kids so he wouldn't have gotten to use all his Hot Wheels stuff I got him and I don't intend on letting that it is easier to just pay their fee and let them worry about all those lost pencils and such!
I also found some toys on sale and got them for his upcoming birthday!!!
I did go ahead and give him the Teenage Ninja Turtle Slip-n-Slide...Had to pick up toys and fallen limbs in back yard and untangle garden hose, roll it out, blow up one end, stake it down and then take a running leap to show him how it was done!!! Giggles it was fun since I haven't been on a slip-n-slide in about 20 years!
Now I don't like to shop that much and hopefully won't require another major shopping spree until Christmas time!!! (which I also take a vacation day for earlybird weekdays shopping so I don't have to fight the crowds)