So it's July already :\

Jul 01, 2009 09:42

Matt is somehow obsessed with the idea that I'm not eating.  This is because by the time he gets home from work I've usually already eaten a snack because I was STARVING, and so I don't want a big dinner. He does not trust me when I say I am eating just fine and I am generally not hungry.  Honestly, sometimes I am surprised how little I can eat in the evenings, but I make up for it by eating multiple breakfasts.  He just doesn't see that part.  I'm a morning person; I eat in the morning.  And he never eats in the morning, so I just wish he would trust me and not get so worried.  Because I am totally eating. : \

We're thinking of planning a trip to India and Bangladesh for the Winter vacation with Matt's roommates Atanu and Manizeh, who are from those countries, respectively.  But Atanu just found out yesterday he did NOT pass his quals, and in his department there are no second chances, so he's basically kicked out of Harvard.  I don't know if he can even stay in the US and get a job, or if he will apply for another program, or what. D:  Luckily he has a pretty good attitude, but all of us are pretty shocked and bummed out.  He might have to move back to India.  That will give us even more reason to go visit him there. :(

On a much more fun note, more Haru picspam!  He's a rebellious little heathen.

It's that time of night again isn't it? Oh dear.

Haru has so many belts he decided to make a top out of them.  Also lookit the handwarmers I made him!

What do you mean a belts is not a tiara?


Haru, Warrior Princess~

This is where the money goes, bitches.

Oh no, Haru, what happened? D: Your legs are not supposed to bend that way!! Do I have to resuscitate you?

Nice view btw.  XD

Oh good, you're okay!  But jeez, don't look so sexy getting ready for bed now.

Looks like you're not going to bed.  You're going to make coffee.  *SIGH*

Any day now, Coffee, says Haru.

Haru: Oh look!  I can has an Ichigo!
Ichigo: GRR.

Haru: But what does it do?

haru, eating issues, matt, friends, harvard, dolls, pictures

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