So I didn't have a costume idea. First I did my makeup like an Egyptian/Drag Queen something or other, but then I decided to give myself some blood and bruises and just deteriorated from there.
I think we decided on "beaten-up crack whore" or something. I don't even know, but it was sure fun to do.
Philip went as an "emo" but he couldn't find any hair dye that would wash out overnight, and he didn't really know what else to do, so I dressed him in my clothes.
Mauricio had no ideas at all. So he also wore my clothes. Plus some extra oomph.
Matt had the BEST costume ever. Apparently this was also a random last minute inspiration.
Atanu went as a B of A call center employee.
The party. Manizeh is in her Tron costume. The whole party was Tron themed and it was at her bf John's house. Note Mauricio groping himself.
John, again in Tron gear, rocking the playlists.
I didn't get pictures of Lindsey and Laulu together, but they went goth. The party was pretty fun but I was disappointed in the lack of candy. Last year John's party was full of candy. Also some creepy dude kept hitting on me. And the cops didn't come break it up this year either. XD Aahhhh good times.
Aaaaand now for some pics of Ryuuzaki-neko!