Sep 10, 2009 19:20
I wish I had made a recording of our Anthro grad student meeting today. Then I wouldn't have to explain why I hate my department and my school so effin much. I don't want to explain it. I know I should be grateful we're getting funding AT ALL, but seriously, the way this system is set up is a huge shitshow. There is no central authority to ask for help and none of the under-authorities really know what the others are doing, so you're bound to make some kind of mistake on a grant form that makes you delay your fieldwork, which makes you not get your teaching stipend, which makes you yadadadadada. Growl. I hate this place with all of my being. The budget cuts and the department splitting just make everything worse. I don't want to talk about it or clarify it because I can't clarify it; I just wish I had a damn recording so I could demonstrate how confused and contrived this whole administrative system is. D:
On the PLUS side, I do like all my classes. Even the Proseminar of Doom, which I thought would suck, seems to be tolerable, and the other three are genuinely fun. :D That's what makes me sad. I don't hate the actual people in the department, and I love the subject. It's just....we're all dolphins jumping through hoops, and there are so many hoops there's no more water left. Or something.
I need to make sure I (a) get my research done ASAP and stay focused on something I really, really want to study; and (b) allow myself time to work on my novels so if I quit school again I won't have wasted my twenties.
Also, even though sometimes I wish I had gone into Social Anthro instead of Archaeo, I was comforted by the fact that this bullshit web of bureaucratic rules applies to the Social program as well. Everyone was there and we were all irate and confused.
I am so, so overcaffeinated right now. Closest thing to being on coke or speed I've felt in a long long time. Because during that meeting, if I hadn't been constantly occupying my mouth with coffee, then tea, then Coke, I would have screamed.
ETA: SO glad I went back to edit the typos, wow. Caffeine hands for the fail.