Title: Great Expectations
Author:goddess of the rain pixie
Rating:PG probably actually G
Spoilers/Warnings:No warnings or spoilers...well, except the part where I didn't actually watch Acafellas so any mistake regarding that episode I blame fox.com for not letting me watch all the episodes.
Summary:We all deal with people's expectations...Puck just happens to defy all of them.
If you’ve ever met Noah Puckerman you’d expect a great many things out of him. Don’t feel to bad if you; it’s human nature after all, judging. Those that do know him sure do. They expect Puck to slushie freshman and geeks, go to football practice every time it’s called yet not show up for anything else, and have more one night stands than Mr.Shue has optimism for glee. They also know that it’s a dangerous thing to expect things from Puck. He’s a sucker for proving people wrong.
You’d expect him to drive a pickup truck, with metal and classic rock blaring from the stereo.-Yet the Monday after Puck turns sixteen sees him driving a 1963 Opel Kadett, that for some reason even he cannot fathom (other than the excuse that- his mother drilled it into him from a young age) plays artists such as Simon and Garfunkel, Prince, and Queen, into the school parking lot.
You’d expect Puck to have been telling the truth when he explained his reasons for joining the Acafellas. - He actually just really liked to sing. While he felt plenty comfortable around older women, unlike some of his fellow football players who seemed weirdly scared of them, he wasn’t all that attracted to them.
You’d have expected Puck to have had sex with Quinn because he was drunk, or horny, or just plain stupid.- While all of these things did play a role in his-admittedly stupid- decision making process, they weren’t everything. He’d been trying to prove to himself that he was just what everyone would expect-he wished it had worked.
You’d expect Puck to be annoyed with Rachel Berry, just like everyone else is. - He’s not. While he wasn’t exactly that disappointed or surprised when Rachel broke up with him, he had grown to sort of like her in an odd I-really-want-to-kill-you-right-now sort of way. Weirdly enough after around a month of her pushing and nagging him to do the right thing, he starts to consider her his best friend-not Finn.
You’d also expect Puck to never admit-not even to himself- that he was gay. Well first of all you’d never expect Noah Puckerman to be gay in the first place, but you definitely wouldn’t expect him to admit it. -Not only did Puck admit it to himself, he accepted it. He could even say it out loud if pressed, and sometimes did in front of his mirror, just to see how it felt-‘I’m gay…a homosexual.’ And if Puck didn’t say so himself it didn’t feel all that bad.
The last thing you’d expect from Puck however was for him to hold Kurt Hummel’s hand on the way back from a football game in early September. -Yet that’s just what the pair was doing. They both had bags slung across their shoulders-Puck a deep blue duffle, Kurt a far more fashionable messenger. They were both a little more than sore, but grateful for the light breeze blowing across the opposing team’s campus as they made their way to Puck’s ‘Oliver’. And if once again pressed, they were both more than happy to tell you they were kind of more than in love at that moment.
Everyone at William McKinley High School had learned long ago however, expectations will get you nowhere when dealing with Noah Puckerman.