My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat HaulJoyia goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as Autumn fairy.
archkenshin gives you 5 yellow apple-flavoured gummy worms.
brokenpaperdo11 gives you 14 light yellow passionfruit-flavoured jawbreakers.
djdevnull tricks you! You get a broken balloon.
gnirp_is_evil gives you 18 yellow peach-flavoured pieces of taffy.
lexegrl gives you 16 teal vanilla-flavoured pieces of chewing gum.
lucritiaraven gives you 12 brown watermelon-flavoured pieces of taffy.
obscureme gives you 17 softly glowing root beer-flavoured pieces of chewing gum.
ponsasinorum gives you 3 white pineapple-flavoured pieces of taffy.
rosebudpeas gives you 5 brown root beer-flavoured gummy worms.
shaidar_haran gives you 4 teal vanilla-flavoured gummy bats.Joyia ends up with 94 pieces of candy, and a broken balloon.Another fun meme brought to you by
Trick or Treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat!