Jun 23, 2011 22:04
I am now officially graduated with a whole ceremony and everything. Took long enough, but I'm done. That's three years gone.
The job hunt has been ongoing since January. I could whine about the economy and the youth unemployment rate and other related things and would be perfectly justified, but frankly, I just suck at job searching. I wish it didn't stress me out so much. I wish someone, anyone was willing to take people on as a new graduate, but they all want 2 years of experience, your own car, and extra qualifications. Which is why there's a giant, brand-new textbook sitting in my room for the A+ test. (Yay! more studying. *goes cross-eyed*) But that still won't help in the experience category. *sigh*
I keep busy. Ish. There are always lots of projects on the go. I think my cooking skills are improving. But I miss my work. There's nothing quite as frustrating as finding something you love and being good at it, then being shut out of it. I wish transportation wasn't such a pain here. It's like an automatic curfew. Not that there's too many places to go without money.
I would have thought graduating would have been a lot happier, but I guess six months of frustration can sap the joy out of a thing. And I'm going to miss my classmates. Some of them were really great.
Future, here I come. Next stop, a life.