8 hours of class a day + lots of homework afterwards = dead Mo.

Apr 26, 2009 00:07

The semester from hell is over finally. There is nothing more I can do for it besides wait for my marks and hope I don't fail more than one. It has taken a good 3 exhausted days for this to sink in. But it's done now. It broke me. It really broke me. I was on the edge before, but after March break it was all downhill in the worst way.

It tried to kill me too. Literally. I spent Easter Sunday in the emergency room as it appeared that I had suffered a stroke. Let me tell you, for all of the complaining about wait times there, if they think you are actually dying, you will not wait. At all. I now know this from personal experience. It also turns out that migraines can mimic strokes, right down to the paralysis part, and lumbar punctures are scary, but not that bad. That was the first migraine of my life. Stress induced apparently. I wish I could say that I hope that's the only one I ever have, but I continued to have them until things wrapped up, and at the worst times too- I'm pretty sure I failed a final exam because of one. Durr.

Spring semester starts Monday. I still love what I'm doing, but I can't leave things the way they are. I don't want to die. On Monday I'm either going to have to decide to stretch the next year out over two years, or else downgrade to the technician program so that I can still finish in one year, just not in the toughest program in the whole college. I don't know which to choose. I turned 27 the other day. I think that may decide it. I wanted to be long out of the house by the time I was 30...

It was a good birthday, but low key. I was in shock, I think. Still am. Spent it giving up on one last paper, and reading Harry Potter and my brand new copy of Watchmen (Which is great so far, Derrick :P). Yesterday was the family party. Today was beautiful and warm and I finally got to watch my sister demonstrate her mad (brown belt!) jiu jitsu skills at a talent show. Tomorrow is musical, but I haven't played guitar in over 6 months. Gulp. Far too many things have been allowed to slide in my stress induced fog bank this year.

Anyway, hopefully I'll have time this semester to at least read a book or two without feeling guilty...
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