textures 019: old letters (large edition)

Apr 27, 2009 11:13

Twelve textures of old handwriting, made from public domain images--the larger versions of these. (There are only twelve in this pack because I didn't have larger versions for two of them.) Anyway, the smallest texture in this pack is 627x243 and the largest is 1595x2379. o.0 So most of them are pretty big!

They only have white backgrounds this time, but you can convert the text to white by inverting the colors (in PSP9, it's Adjust > Color Balance > Negative Image).

[[download]] [DA page]


The clouds and trees are part of a lovely texture by bambinainnero.
- The main picture (of Keira Knightley, P&P 2005) is a group of layers set to Soft Light.
- Underneath the main picture and above the texture layer I set the inverted-color (like I said, Adjust > Color Balance > Negative Image) text texture to Lighten, 25%, and blurred it.
- The Lighten took away too much of the text, so I duplicated the text texture, set it to Screen, 70%, and layer masked away the parts I didn't want. I also used a soft dark brush (the same color as the wallpaper background) on a new layer on top of everything else to erase parts of the Lighten text layer that I didn't want.
- (Is this explanation too wordy?) xP

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