Beta Appreciation (Yester)Day

Oct 14, 2005 12:25

So, I, like most of the rest of the world, completely forgot/never knew at all that yesterday was Beta Appreciation Day! "!!!!" thought I, when I stumbled on other peoples' belated Beta Appreciation Day entries this morning. "I have betas! And they have not been properly Appreciated!" This was an injustice that yearned to be righted.

Thank you thank you thank you to everyone who has ever taken a look at any of my stories and told me, "Yes!" or "Oh God, NO." You make my writing immeasurably better, and allow me to share my own private stories right when I need to, when I need reassurance or thwapping or pestering into writing. So, crimsonclad, darkseaglass, pierson, aweirdsister (forever and always the best sister ever), silveryscrape, and zoicite, thank you. Thank you for allowing me to pester you on IM, to send messages via email with the subject lines, "HELP!!!!!!11!!!!" and for reminding me that I'm not alone here while I'm sitting in front of my computer trying to wrestle these bastards into submission.
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